Just 2 semesters left before I graduate...but it's time to order books for the Fall semester now. Classes start on August 28 and run until mid December. It looks like the courses that I am taking this semester are going to be Advanced Secure Software Engineering and Advanced Network Security. Both of these classes seem (at least by the titles and textbook titles) extremely relevant to my current job. And while the books are expensive...I already own the last one, so one less to buy.
The books are as follows:
CS621 Advanced Secure Software Engineering:
Using the Common Criteria for IT Security Evaluations by Debra Herrmann
CS660 Advanced Network Security
Network Security: Private Communications in a Public World by Charlie Kaufmann, et al.
Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol 1 by Douglas Comer
On another note, I was accepted into a training program to be an about.com guide for the focus on PC support topic. If I successfully complete the training program, I will "own" that topic on about.com and will write a full article once every two weeks and a short blog entry 3 times a week. It pays well and will be a good supplement to my income since I'm not teaching at Biola this sememster.