So I was looking at our flowers this evening, and it seems like no matter what I do, I always seem to kill our flowers. Takes these ones for instance:

The plant in the pot on the left died shortly after planting. And the one in the middle has just a smigen of green trying to hold on. The rest has long died off. The one on the right really wants to fight but is it a lost cause? It's not like I don't water them.

These ones are really dead. There's no question about it, I'm a plant murderer. Can I be forgiven?

This is my one hope. A large ficus tree we have near our front door is just doing great. There are even some impatiens in the pot with the tree that are also doing well. Our tree is doing so well, that we've had to cut it back several times because it gets too overgrown and bushy for the location. Both of our parents are also quite surprised at how well this plant is doing since ficus are supposedly hard to grow and keep looking nice. So why do I succeed with a ficus and fail with all the other plants we tried? So do I really not have a green thumb with all the dead plants? or is there some hope after all with the ficus?
It is called a "black thumb".
I always kill plants, no matter what I do! I water and administer plant food religiously, according to instruction, but they die anyway. *sigh* My only hope is that I'm moving to the Central Valley, where almost anything will grow. I am determined to have a guava tree in my yard.
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