Sunday, February 26, 2006

Top 10 Wacky Street Names

The complete top 10 list included:

10. Tater Peeler Road in Lebanon, Texas

9. The intersection of Count and Basie in Richmond, Va.

8. Shades of Death Road in Warren County, N.J.

7. Unexpected Road in Buena, N.J.

6. Bucket of Blood Street in Holbrook, Ariz.

5. The intersection of Clinton and Fidelity in Houston

4. The intersection of Lonesome and Hardup in Albany, Ga.

3. Farfrompoopen Road in Tennessee (the only road up to Constipation Ridge)

2. Divorce Court in Heather Highlands, Pa.

1. Psycho Path in Traverse City, Mich.


Kiti said...

There is a Zzyzx road off the 15 freeway in California.

Humbled Man said...

I think my favorites are Farfrompoopen Road on Constipation Ridge and Unexpected Road. Shades of Death Road and Bucket of Blood Street are just horrible for street names.