Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Super Tuesday

Good News... The props went the way I wanted. 91-93 were voted down, and 94-97 were passed.

Bad news that doesn't affect me... City of LA voters were overwhelmingly duped into passing a phone tax by believing they were voting for a 1% tax reduction. In reality, the current tax was thrown out by the courts, so a yes vote resulted in keeping the tax at 9% instead of 10% (a 1% tax reduction) while a no vote would have resulted in the entire 10% tax being eliminated.

The Ugly News...Where do I start about the presidential primary. My worst nightmare is seeing McCain and Hillary battle it out in November. I can't stand the thought of another Clinton in office, and I serious don't know how McCain can call himself a Republican. Seriously, if it comes down to those two, I quit. Even though Obama would turn this country into a socialist state, I would vote for him before voting for McCain. I just can't trust McCain - his voting record shows the complete opposite from what he is saying right now. Obama truely believes in what he says even though some of what he says is truely frightening. The only thing Huckabee has going for him is his professed Christianity. His economic tax plan is hiddeous. Ron Paul has no chance of winning. That leaves Romney. I thought Romney had a chance of catching up to McCain, and was my choice for the Republican nomination, but yesterday was very disappointing. Romney now has almost no chance...and Huckabee and McCain are secretly talking (neither likes Romney). If McCain were to offer Huckabee the Vice Presidency, it would put the Republicans in a better position to challenge the Democrats. However, so many people like me just can't stand McCain.

The Libertarian party has decided to run Ron Paul on their ticket if he doesn't win the Republican nomination. Maybe I'll vote Libertarian in November if my other choices are between McCain and Hillary. Interestingly enough, Ron Paul ran for president once before on the Libertarian ticket in 1998.

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